Things Employed People Do

Steal Office Supplies

Office supplies
Office supplies (photo Lady Heart)

Stealing office supplies is something that employed people do. I know, “steal” seems like a harsh word and there are so many of them that companies truly do not notice that they are missing so “take” would probably be more appropriate. But people with jobs have a never-ending supply of pens, notebooks, paperclips, envelopes, staple removers, folders, and other office supplies at their disposal. Buying these items in a drug store is a foreign concept to them.


Those without jobs try to do without these everyday items as much as possible. We also “accidentally” forget to return the bartender’s pen or help ourselves to two or three of the promotional pens at festivals. If we find ourselves in a hotel room, we take all three pens and both message pads. Reusing shipping envelopes is nothing to be ashamed of. Do you know what they charge for those pieces of paper? No? Ah, you probably have a job…

June 18, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment